Trail Riding near London
Near London, Horseback Riding, Trail Riding
ADDRESS: 11061 Ellsworth Rd N., Port Colborne, Ontario
If unable to locate this address on GPS use Golf Course Road as this is one road before us on Highway #3.
Driving directions for trail riding from London are below. It is a two hour drive from London to go horseback riding. Pony Rides available
Taxi service from Port Colborne to HorsePlay Niagara riding stable – Port Taxi 905-835-2424 A Premier Taxi 905-835-8000
From London, Ontario Take 401 East and exit on Hwy # 6 towards Hamilton.
Take 403 towards Toronto then Take QEW Niagara and travel 42.40 km (26.35 miles) and exit at Victoria Ave, Vineland (exit 57, Reg. Rd. 24), and turn right on South Service Rd. Turn left at lights onto Victoria Ave. and head south towards Port Colborne for 33.4 km, or 20.6 miles. When this road ends completely, turn left, travel 3.3 km. or 2 miles, to Ellsworth Rd. N. and turn right. This road ends in our driveway.
Distance from London for horseback riding is 2 hours.
Get out of the city of London for a horseback riding experience.
Horseback Riding and Trail Rides London, Ontario Horseback Riding near London, horseback riding London, trail ride London, trail riding London
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